Why get I asked to formatie?


New member
Hi everybody,

I recently bought an external SSD hard disk. I saved the respective folders on it and everything was fine.
Then I wanted to secure access to it and implemented DiskCryptor. After "encrypting" the external hard disk with a password and re-connecting the hard disk with my laptop, I got the message "You must formatize the disk".

I got confused... Why formitize...? If I formatize, thnen 500 GB information will be gine and must be copied again.
Then I intuitively opened DiskCryptor again and clicked on mount - there I could enter my password and I saw the folders again on my hard disk.

So my question: Why do I get the message "formatize"?
I don't use the software myself, but if that message appears, while the drive is connected, and still encrypted, Windows detects the drive, but can't read the file system (mostly NTFS) and therefore assumes the drive to be unformatted or improperly formatted. This results in Windows offering to format the drive, which you have to decline in order to keep your encrypted files, which you can only access by mounting the drive via DiskCryptor.