Tracker exchange extension

Some torrents arent too popular in DHT for some reason...
I used qbittorrent with and without tracker exchange and i see the diference in speed...
Sincerly I agree with Xanatos, I think that this feature is useless. Expecially if we spread useless trackers on the network (unregistered torrent or timed out).
Neo26":s32os76t said:
Sincerly I agree with Xanatos, I think that this feature is useless. Expecially if we spread useless trackers on the network (unregistered torrent or timed out).

Sincerely i made some tests in some torrents and i see diferences...
You can make some searchs in btdigg and see that some torrents dont have seeds in DHT but have seeds in some public trackers (open bittorent for example)...
Is it possible for example if some tracker report unregistered, don't add it to the list?
JFoX":4zozqhrd said:
Sincerely i made some tests in some torrents and i see diferences...

Some torrents arent too popular in DHT for some reason...
I used qbittorrent with and without tracker exchange and i see the diference in speed...

Could you post more details about those tests ?
Some people dont have dht and/or PEX activated even in public trackers because some private trackers recomend this....
Cenario 1
user 1 uses private trackers so he disable dht and pex and now is downloading some piratebay torrent with openbittorrent tracker...
user 2 made a search in in btdigg for example and get magnet without trackers
user 3 who have qbittorrent or utorrent with tracker exchange can give user 4 (if user 4 is using some client with tracker excange) address of torrent where user 1 is connected
The DHT and Pex are disable in the torrent itself, not globally in the client if someone use a private tracker. If a certain user turned of Pex and DHT is more his problem than our.

I still think that this feature is useless, completly.
I know that dht and pex are disabled in torrent, but some trackers recomend to turn it off in user's clients and some users attend this recomendations...
JFoX":2ohvipzs said:
I know that dht and pex are disabled in torrent, but some trackers recomend to turn it off in user's clients and some users attend this recomendations...

Its not our problem, its their problem. How many users follow this suggestion, 1% ? 2% ?