Slider for GUI requests

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New member
In order to meet the requests about the GUI enrichment, i suggest using a simple slider with only 3 level (for ALL improvements), that will be better instead of adding new buttons everytime.

Based on information provided and memory used by the option, these will be placed under the 3 levels.
Flag icons can be placed under Rich level , while region strings (ITA-ENG..) can be placed under Poor/Normal levels.
ProgressBar will be Flat/Simple (uTorrent style)/Mule style respectively under Poor/Normal/Rich levels.
And so on.

Default level, obviously, Normal.

So User button is used to show more or less features (to split users experience between Low/Medium/High)
The Graphics slider is used to show more or less "details" about showed features (to split hardware rendering capacity beetwen Poor/Medium/Rich ).


(Naturally, Simple ProgressBar/GUI Mode option will be replaced by this one).
(You can use a slider also for User, because until there are only 3/4 items slider feels good! ComboBox is for many items.)
(Note window title .... NeoLoader - Settings)
I dont like this idea its to ridgid.
how about a combo like in auto sort,

the checkboxes are inside the combo.

this way normal users can select between 2 or 3 or 4 levels whatever, and advanced users can selectivly switch the gui features thay need
yes, rigidity is required if you want to "force" the user to use the software in the better manner.
The opposite of rigidity is NeoMule ... a button for everything.

For combo+checkboxes, sorry, but i haven't understood. Can you provide a complete design/picture?

IIUC, with Combo+CheckBoxes, if i'm a developer user & i have an old pc, how can i disable the flag icons and leave only the country string?
yes, but you want use it for overwrite User Combo with a Combo+Checkboxes or to add another Graphics Combo+checkboxes ?
Like this?


some examples:
how to see country strings instead of the flags?
how to see flat progressbar instead Simple or eMule progress?
abel":1w4kxdfj said:
some examples:
how to see country strings instead of the flags?
how to see flat progressbar instead Simple or eMule progress?
"Country Flags" or "Show Flags"
"Chunks Progressbar" or "Simple Progressbar (in that case is reversed)" or "Advanced Progressbar"
These are strings .... so a checkbox for every string? O_O

draw the UI elements as they shoud be, and show.
abel":1djmbi39 said:
Like this?


some examples:
how to see country strings instead of the flags?
how to see flat progressbar instead Simple or eMule progress?

exactly like this.
for progres bar i would suggest a 3 state checkbox
for country fiags/strings 2 checkboxes if someone wants he can have booth
Therefore you prefer to avoid compromise and instead add a new checkbox for each new variant. Exactly as with NeoMule.

No problem, we will see what will happen when users require new features. ;-)
Abel, I don't see the problem with many checkboxes, why you don't want that the user is able to modify his client how he feels better? Don't worry these are only UI settings will not interfer with his network performance...

p.s. when and if user will require 100 features we'll see, actually is not the case, why should we get crazy for a problem that we don't have and probably we'll not have.
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