Sandboxing Conan Exiles on Steam


New member
Will it be possible to Sandbox? If I try to launch it through the launcher, I get these errors.

11:54:41.698 PID 8060: SBIE2205 Service not implemented: WMI Win32_Process::Create
11:54:41.699 PID 8060: SBIE2205 Service not implemented: WMI IWbemServices 24

If I launch the exe through the game's folder, it launches just fine, but I can't access online servers to play with others. Any help is appreciated. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post it.
hmm... this may not work as using WMI from a sandbox is somewhat restricted for security reasons.
An upcomming version with an option to use less security isoaltion may solve the issue though
ETA, 1-3 months probably its a lot of changes and thay need to be thoroughly tested, although there may be a beta build in 1 month