The commands Run As Administrator and Run Sandboxed are dangerously close in the file context menu. I knew there will be a time when I'd click the wrong one and that time, after many years using Sandboxie, has finally come just now, and it was a potentially dodgy executable.
This is actually something I recall others complaining about before the source code was released and SBIE+ was even a thing...
There was a workaround you could apply to move the Run Sandboxed Option but it requires Admin rights and a Registry tweak so it isn't something most users would feel comfortable doing. You can google on how to alter the position [The Value Name is actually 'Position' as well and the Value Data is under 'Positioning Verbs at the Top or Bottom of the Menu' section] a bit but it's rather limited (eg top or bottom). Another option (the one I ended up using waaaaay back then) was to simply add separators before and after to help prevent mis-clicks (also requires Admin rights I believe as the Values all are added under the same target Key)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00