Run As Administrator and Run Sandboxed next to each other in file context menu


New member
The commands Run As Administrator and Run Sandboxed are dangerously close in the file context menu. I knew there will be a time when I'd click the wrong one and that time, after many years using Sandboxie, has finally come just now, and it was a potentially dodgy executable.

Run sandboxed.png
This is actually something I recall others complaining about before the source code was released and SBIE+ was even a thing...
There was a workaround you could apply to move the Run Sandboxed Option but it requires Admin rights and a Registry tweak so it isn't something most users would feel comfortable doing. You can google on how to alter the position [The Value Name is actually 'Position' as well and the Value Data is under 'Positioning Verbs at the Top or Bottom of the Menu' section] a bit but it's rather limited (eg top or bottom). Another option (the one I ended up using waaaaay back then) was to simply add separators before and after to help prevent mis-clicks (also requires Admin rights I believe as the Values all are added under the same target Key)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
