resize header based on content

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New member

i think it would be nice (at least for me :D ) if, when i double-click on the header section of the column, the column will be resized based on the content, just like with eMule.
If i understand, you can do it by changing an enum QHeaderView::ResizeMode (long live to frameworks), so is not required too big work.

Also, I think the last empty column should not be there.

Thanks ;-)

booth points a valid, though i'm not sure how to realize them.
The resizing does not work cause i'm using a cusotm data model to supply data to the tree view, i will have to investigate how to make the resizing work again

the last empty column is a workaround for Qt never saging the setings of the last column, so i added on for which it does not mater, though i guess i could hide it somehow.

i added booth issues to the known bugs list:
and will look in time how to fix them
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