Recently purchased - But have questions


New member
Good evening, I recently purchased Sandboxie Plus - Personal edition, but when I run the program install it has it grayed out and is only available for business.

How do I fix that and do I need to donate or purchase something additional on Patreon for the additional features or is that optional? If so. how do I purchase what is needed on Patreon so I can run the install program under the personal version and I assume after you get past this part you can log in the purchased key?

At some point, you may have selected "Commercially, for business or enterprise use." in the initial set-up wizard. This option is remembered.

According to this discussion, it should be possible to apply the certificate you purchased, to have it switch back to the personal use case. Options > Global Settings > Support and Updates > [Sandboxie Support]. You have to paste the full text, starting with NAME and ending with == into the text box on that page.