NeoLoader Latest Beta Build

Test again the save of "Priority" settings when you set a value and after try to switch between tabs or files in transfer.
I uploaded a new beta witn a memory tracer.
wne neo is being closed in makes a file called MemTrace.log:

Full Memory Usage: 97.543MB
Suspended FileList: 93.3906MB
Dealocated Interfaces: 91.0742MB
Dealocated File Manager: 87.6016MB
Dealocated Ul/Dl Manager: 87.6016MB
Dealocated Archive Loaders: 87.6016MB
Dealocated Hashing Thread: 85.5MB
Dealocated Grabber: 85.5MB
Dealocated Torrent Manager: 86.4062MB
Dealocated Mule Manager: 86.4062MB
Dealocated Neo Manager: 87.6445MB
Dealocated Web Managers: 76.0625MB
Dealocated Network Manager: 79.1367MB
Dealocated IO Manager: 79.1875MB
Dealocated IpFilter: 79.1602MB
Dealocated Search Manager: 79.1602MB
Residual Memory Usage: 79.1953MB

All who have problems with excesive memory usage please run the beta and post your logs in the 4.1 bur report thread.

The goal is to find out where the memory us being horted.

There is a new beta build 0.42 it features a full rework of the hashing system, it should solve many hashing problems as well as enable a few new great features,
like one file can now habdle multiple torrents at the same time.