
Release 0.27
Fixed IPv6 support bug in BitTorrent System
Added IPv6 support to ed2kMule System
Added HostCache for P2P downloads
Added block request clustering to enable accelerated part compeetion for HostCache Upload
Updated hoster scripts
Fixed a bug when adding ed2k magnet links
Added Summary page for each file, providing explicit status informations, error explanations as well as suggestions how to speed up file download.
Reworked torrent storring system
Reworked Hash Storring, now hashsets are strorred in a QSLite DB instead of myriads of single files.
Fixed major memory leak in linked part map handling
Made Upload more Smooth
fixed memory leak in IO Manager
added info to captcha dialog for which file it is
added approximated IP overhead to Bandwidth Controll
Neo Now shows how a source was found, by kad/DHT, XS/PEX or tracker, etc...
fixed bug with incomming torrent connections
release for windows only untillw e get some more feadback
You can test our new Hoster Cache Feature using this TestFile. You find the password to your NeoLoader under Settings -> General. (Address can be left empty, assuming NeoLoader is running on the same host as your WebBrowser).