How to save files from sandboxed app to PC hard drive?


New member
I'm usintg Sandboxie Plus to run apps with which I create original files that I want to save to my hard drrive so they aren't deletrd when I close the sandbox. How is this done (Windows 11)?
It seems as if you are using a configuration where AutoRecover is not enabled and AutoDelete=y is set. This might be intentional, otherwise you can enable AutoRecover in the Sandbox Options > File Options > [File Recovery] > "Enable Immediate Recovery prompt to be able to recover files as soon as they are created" and disable auto deletion in the Sandbox Options > File Options > [File Options] > "Auto delete content changes when the last sandboxed process terminates" by unchecking that box.

If you want to recover files, e.g. move them out of a sandbox, you can right-click on a sandbox in the main window and select "Recover Files". This will show a dialog from where you can select files that will be moved from the sandbox to the host. You may need to select the checkbox, "show all files" In the sandbox options (File Options > [File Recovery]) you can add more folders that will be checked for files to be recovered.

If you want to save files outside the sandbox, right away, you can use the Resource Access settings in the Sandbox Options to select a folder, in which you can write these file directly, bypassing the sandbox. Sandbox Options > Resource Access > [Files], here you can browse to a folder outside the sandbox and use the access type "Open" to do that for applications that are being started in the sandbox, but are located outside of it, or "OpenForAll" for all applications, including those that are installed or downloaded into the sandbox.

Edit: Here is an overview over the resource access types, they each link to the documentation for that type, like OpenFilePath and OpenPipePath
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THANK YOU so not only answered my question, you generously added everything else I need to know on this topic but didn't know enouth to ask about. You've made me very glad to be a member of this forum.