Hard Drive Migration


New member
  • My current install of Sandboxie is on C:
  • My Sandboxes are all located on D:
  • I've built a new PC and have moved the harddrive (D) to that system and it is also D: there as well
  • I have installed Sandboxie on the new PC
  • How to I get the new Sandboxie to recognise the sandboxes? I've changed the global settings so that the drive letter points to the D: root sandbox
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The (individual) sandbox configuration is stored in the Sandboxie.ini, which is typically located in C:\Windows, while the user interface of Sandboxie-Plus stores its settings in the Sandboxie-Plus.ini, which is typically located in the user folder C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Sandboxie-Plus.

You need the Sandboxie.ini from the old system and replace the current Sandboxie.ini of the new system (or copy and paste the entries of the sandboxes from the .ini into the new .ini)

Edit: The user interface will show the sandboxes once they are read from the Sandboxie.ini and since filerootpath should already be set, it should point the files. If that is not the case, due to a different folder structure you will have to edit the filerootpaths for each sandbox.

Perfect. I'd noticed that the config settings were in the ini file, so had copied that over ready to overwrite, but wanted to double-check.

I definitely remember using the filerootpath when I had sandboxes located on the same PC, but on different drives. However, looking through the menu now, I can't see it. I'm sure I right-clicked a sandbox and set it that way preivously, but just don't see it any more. I know you can adjust the .ini file as well, but obviously that's not as slick/quick.

Thanks for your help.
You are welcome. With Sandboxie-Plus there is no user interface to change the fileroothparh as there is no mechanism that moves the files to the new location. The user interface of Sandboxie-Plus (Sandman) allows you to use a different (custom) filerootpath when you use the "NewBox Wizard". Sandman also allows changing the default filerootpath, if users want it to be different.

Sandman also offers a way to export and import boxes. Right click on a sandbox, go to "Sandbox Tools", then "Export Box". To import a box, you can use the menu entry at the top "Sandbox" and then "Import Box". This does not seem to have in mind that one wants to move many sandboxes around. In my opinion, it is quicker to move the files with Windows itself or some tool and copy the configuration entries that are needed, if one wants to move a lot of sandboxes.
That's great. I also have the advanced settings showing when I create a new sandbox, so that I can change the location of the sandbox.

Thanks again, really appreciate the quick and thorough response :).