Footbal Manager stop working


New member
Hi Everyone. I play Football Manager on Sandboxie Plus, but after update windows 11 suddenly stop working. When i want start fm.exe, with this exe, starting werfault.exe. I don't have any warnings :( Please help :( sorry for my english
Which version of Sandboxie-Plus do you use? Maybe you need to upgrade Sandboxie-Plus to the latest version, which is 1.15.5, at the time of writing. Sometimes Microsoft changes something in Windows and Sandboxie needs to adapt to that.
You could try with a new empty sandbox, to check if it is related to the contents of the old sandbox. (Just keep the old sandbox intact, as it should hold data you would miss, if they were gone.)
Still the same, the game is automatically closed. I would like to mention that the problem is only with Football Manager
Since it is crashing, maybe you want to create an issue for it on GitHub, where you can provide details, and possibly crash-dumps.

List of crash dump locations to check out:
  • C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
  • C:\Windows\Minidump
  • C:\Sandbox\%User%\DefaultBox\user\current\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
  • C:\Sandbox\%USER%\%SANDBOX% (only if you previously set EnableMiniDump=y in the sandbox section of your Sandboxie.ini file)
  • C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP (known as %SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP)

Edit: Then someone might be able to look into it.
There is a problem only with Football Manager. with any other game there is no problem. I reinstalled the Graphics Card drivers, created a new box, created a new profile, it did nothing. Together with Fm.exe, Werfault.exe starts and the status is immediately "completed"