Component Services (COM+)


New member
Dear David, is it possible to implement the installation of COM+ objects in the sandbox? Or how to avoid error 80070424 (see image)
Hey there, I'm not Xanatos but I'm interested in this subject...
I suspect that'd depend on how Windows handles it. I can't say I have much experience altering DCOM objects beyond tightening the 'default' security of certain areas within and I've never messed with it inside SBIE!

Any chance there's a program you can share which needs to be able to do this during install or while running (or just an example I can use to monitor things via while it fails within SBIE+?) Your picture seems to show the comexp.msc so perhaps this is something you were trying to do\add within it manually? I can't promise anything other than more drunken questions but up to you if you want to bother responding to my request for aid in reproducing it on my end just so I can watch what happens.

FYI: My first steps would be creating a VM then monitoring things with the Trace Log inside SBIE+ (in a fairly virgin Windows 10 x64 VM) and using Process Monitor from sysinternals (now owned by MS)

Update: I was able to get the same error just by opening comexp.msc inside SBIE+ DefaultBox so at least I can play a little tonight

Given the error about a 'service not existing' I'm initially guessing that it's expecting to be able to talk with the MSDTC service. Services in particular can be tricky and I would currently suspect that it might require creating an entirely new in-sandbox proxy (likely not the correct term) similar to SandboxieCrypto or SandboxieBITs to securely allow only 'certain things'. I honestly don't know enough about it to say for sure so don't take my word for it though, I've only been looking into this for about half an hour...and I'm already pretty much out of ideas that don't involve trying to Open Resource Access paths or even not virtualizing COM at all (which I would judge currently as a HORRIBLE idea, btw) =(