Browser suddenly stops working


New member
Hey everybody,

I just started using Sandboxie Plus and have a short question regarding the use of my internet browser in sandboxie plus. After I have used one session for some time, it completely stopped working and I could not open any new website in my browser. Only after closing the window and opening up again, I could use it again like nothing happened. Can it be, that the cach of the browser has become too big and therefore Sandboxie didnt allow the brwoser to collect any more data in the cache? Or what could have been the problem, why I received suddenly for every webpage the notification that I was not online and nothing could be opened (whilst with other programs I was in the internet) and after a restart everything worked perfectly well again? This was especially annoying as I was in the middle of a formular and could not proceed any further...

BTW afterwards I changed the option in Sandboxie for File Migration to a higher data volume. Can that already help?

Thanks for any help or ideas!!
Do you start your browser, which is installed on the system, sandboxed? Or do you have a browser installed in a sandbox?

Whichever is the case, the behavior you are describing is not normal, and storage space should only be an issue if the drive on which the sandbox stores its data is full.