µTorrent (uTorrent) *update*

-- 2010-02-12: Version 2.1 (build 18148)
- Feature: display overhead at status bar
- Feature: stop downloading and seed already-downloaded data if out of disk space
- Change: Do not count local overhead if local peers are not limited
- Change: Count overhead for transfer caps
- Feature: added legend to graphs
- Feature: it's now possible to graph the tcp_rate_control rates
- Fix: potential buffer overrun with mismatched langpack
- Fix: torrents randomly starting on restart of client
- Change: Gray out deleting data from client with created and seeded torrents
- Fix: Close download bar with hotkey
- Change: Toggle minified interface stays centered on toggle button
- Fix: enable apply button if changing scheduler
- Fix: Reliability of SSL connections (including Falcon connections) improved

µTorrent (uTorrent) 2.0 Build 18097

-- 2010-01-25: Version 2.0 (build 17920)
- Change: update TCP/IP overhead estimation
- Fix: handle wrapping in uTP timestamps
- Fix: Crash in setup dialog when dialog is exited before server list is downloaded.


µTorrent (uTorrent) 2.0.1 Build 18244 Beta

-- 2010-02-18: Version 2.0.1 Beta (build 18244)
- Fix: Make toolbar icons render nice on vista+
- Feature: Add option to not report problems
- Change: Make uTP packet size depend on global uTP rate instead of the rate of each individual connection
- Feature: add detailed network overhead breakdown graph
- Fix: UDP tracker peer list parsing
- Change: increase allowed max packet size (fixes issue with torrents with more than 131000 pieces)
- Change: increase the max number of AddTorrent windows from 5 to 20
- Fix: BEP 22 would sometimes not kick in for new torrents
- Feature: make initial uTP packet size configurable
- Fix: Close download bar with hotkey
- Feature: display overhead at status bar
- Change: Do not count local overhead if local peers are not limited
- Change: Count overhead for transfer caps
- Feature: added legend to graphs
- Feature: it's now possible to graph the tcp_rate_control rates
- Fix: potential buffer overrun with mismatched langpack
- Fix: enable apply button if changing scheduler
- Change: Do not stop torrents when automatically shutdown
- Fix: DHT would store duplicate peers for torrents
- Feature: Added support for suggest piece messages (part of FAST extensions)
- Fix: Potential bug when accessing the root directory of a URL
- Fix: 'Cookie' setting in WebUI add-torrent-by-url works again
- Fix: simultaneous uTP and TCP connection race condition

-- 2010-02-23: Version 2.1 (build 18304)
- Fix: Schedule map would show times that were "off" as grey in disabled view
- Fix: issue where we would incorrectly report being as seed when using magnet links
- Feature: Add option to render the legend as solid instead of transparent
- Fix: Make toolbar icons render nice on vista+
- Fix: GDI leak when toggling interfaces
- Feature: Add option to not report problems
- Change: Make uTP packet size depend on global uTP rate instead of the rate of each individual connection
- Fix: Store window dimensions for each interface mode
- Featrue: Add Windows Media Player to streaming player list
- Feature: add detailed network overhead breakdown graph
- Fix: Race condition when toggling interface modes
- Fix: UDP tracker peer list parsing
- Change: increase allowed max packet size (fixes issue with torrents with more than 131000 pieces)
- Fix: BEP 22 would sometimes not kick in for new torrents
- Feature: make initial uTP packet size configurable
- Fix: simultaneous uTP and TCP connection race condition

-- 2010-03-02: Version 2.0.1 Beta (build 18408)
- Fix: Fixed half-open limit on Windows 7
- Fix: Fixed bug where uTorrent could freeze on broken web UI requests
- Fix: Fixed bug in uTP header field layout
- Feature: added advanced option to turn off uTP variable packet size
- Feature: added advanced option to turn off discoverability (web integration)
- Fix: uTP base delay bug fix and update interval tweaking
- Fix: uTP timer stability fixes
- Fix: calc_overhead bug
- Change: Support hyperlinks in autoupdate dialog
- Fix: Schedule map would show times that were "off" as grey in disabled view
- Fix: "Not downloading" disconnects when remote peer had previously been a seed

-- 2010-03-04: Version 2.1 (build 18429)
- Feature: support streaming wmv
- Fix: Fixed half-open limit on Windows 7
- Fix: Fixed bug where uTorrent could freeze on broken web UI requests
- Fix: Fixed bug in uTP header field layout
- Feature: added advanced option to turn off uTP variable packet size
- Feature: added advanced option to turn off discoverability (web integration)
- Fix: uTP base delay bug fix and update interval tweaking
- Fix: uTP timer stability fixes
- Change: Support hyperlinks in autoupdate dialog
- Change: Disable force streaming option until bitrate is known
- Feature: Enable tooltips in minified UI
- Change: Grey out toolbar icons dynamically in minified UI
- Feature: Added hooks for tagging items as seen in RSS feeds
- Fix: default player set to quicktime causes error
- Fix: calc_overhead bug

-- 2010-03-05: Version 2.0 (build 18488)
- Fix: Fixed half-open limit on Windows 7
- Fix: Fixed bug where uTorrent could freeze on broken web UI requests
- Fix: Fixed bug in uTP header field layout

-- 2010-03-08: Version 2.1 (build 18518)
- Fix: crashes introduced in 18429
- Change: Set Download Location no longer require manual stopping and restarting of torrents
- Change: Minimized command line option starts minimized in taskbar for Windows 7
- Change: Minified interface layout tweaks
- Change: Send streaming progress to web UI with getfiles and list requests
- Fix: fixed issue where the web UI would respond on the peer port when an alternate port was set
- Fix: respond with reasonable mime types for /proxy requests
- Change: disable transparent graph legend by default

-- 2010-03-11: Version 2.1 (build 18581)
- Change: Open files in exclusive mode when writing (don't let anyone else write to them)
- Fix: streaming bugs
- Change: only close files that haven't been used for a while periodically (closing all files could interact badly with indexers)
- Fix: dismissing pairing dialog is now interpreted as no. "no" is also the default button
- Fix: Fixed bug where Bandwidth Management checkbox sometimes didn't work

µTorrent (uTorrent) 2.0.1 Build 18723 Beta

-- 2010-03-23: Version 2.0.1 Beta (build 18723)
- Fix: column size being 0, and invisible
- Feature: complete_ago extension handshake
- Feature: account for clock skew in delay measurements of uTP
- Fix: fixed uTP packet size bug on local networks
- Fix: fixed uTP fast-resend counter wrapping bug
- Fix: fixed uTP advertised window size bug
- Change: only close files that haven't been used for a while periodically (closing all files could interact badly with indexers)
- Fix: dismissing pairing dialog is now interpreted as no. "no" is also the default button
- Change: disable transparent graph legend by default
- Fix: Fixed bug where Bandwidth Management checkbox sometimes didn't work
- Feature: queueup/down/top/bottom commands for WebUI


µTorrent (uTorrent) 2.1 Build 18683 Alpha

-- 2010-03-19: Version 2.1 (build 18683)
- Feature: complete_ago extension handshake
- Feature: account for clock skew in delay measurements of uTP
- Fix: fixed uTP packet size bug on local networks
- Fix: fixed uTP fast-resend counter wrapping bug
- Fix: fixed uTP advertised window size bug

µTorrent 2.0.1 RC2 (build 18973)

Changes in Version 2.0.1 RC2 (build 18973), 2010-04-09:
- Change: prioritize downloading torrents even more than seeds when making new connections
- Change: change default uTP packet size to 600 bytes
- Change: Use new uTP header by default





Download Alpha:


Changelog Alpha:




-- 2010-04-23: Version 2.0.1 (build 19248)
- Change: bypass Windows system cache while reading to avoid excessive memory uage
- Fix: invalid header response on WebUI when an expired token or invalid request was sent
- Fix: fixed crash when adding many torrents at once (above 350 they will be added silently)
Download Alpha:


Changelog Alpha:





Download Alpha:


Changelog Alpha:

Download Alpha:


Changelog Alpha:

Download Alpha:


Changelog Alpha:


-- 2010-05-24: Version 2.2 alpha (build 19640)
- Change: Sharper help graphic
- Feature: Added the basis for btapps
- Feature: Added persistent app pairing
- Change: Do not stop torrents when automatically shutdown
- Fix: DHT would store duplicate peers for torrents
- Feature: Added support for suggest piece messages (part of FAST extensions)
- Fix: Potential bug when accessing the root directory of a URL


Changelog Alpha:

-- 2010-06-24: Version 2.0.3 (build 20268)
- Change: show add torrent dialog by default again
- Fix: graph TCP rates when uTP is not rate limited, even when tcp_rate_control is off
- Fix: fixed bug where "apply rate limit to uTP" would get unchecked by itself
- Fix: fixed uTP crash on sockets being closed with uninitialized read buffers
- Fix: default download directory fix for multifile torrents